Monday, October 26, 2020

Easy Halloween Party Ideas

easy halloween party ideas
Even though here in Ohio, we aren't doing anything big for Halloween because of COVID, Andrea (who lives in a small community in Virginia) was able to get her Girl Scouts together for an outdoor Halloween party. It was a smashing success! So with that, we are sharing her awesome ideas complete with FREE links and more!

Easy Halloween Party Decor

Because the party was set in the woods just outside their house, the backdrop was already made. Lights, fake cobwebs, jack-o-lanterns, glow sticks galore, and hanging skeletons added to the spooky feel.

The food table was set with Halloween party plates and lots of yummy treats. To make sure everyone was safe, a server with clean hands put the treats on the girls' plates. Hand sanitizer was available in several places as well.

We also found 100 ways to decorate for Halloween all from the Dollar Tree! Check out those ideas, here.

Party Games

Halloween Scavenger Hunt: This cute card Andrea used was purchased from Etsy, but there are hundreds available for free on Pinterest. We like this FREE one from Gift of Curiosity

To make things a bit easier on you, just print a picture of each item (about 8 1/2 by 11 inches) and hang the pictures around the house or outside location. Because this little group of goblins were going to be searching in a wooded area and it was a little more dark, Andrea hung a glow stick with each of the items so that the girls could easily find the items on the scavenger list!

Each girl also got a fun bat stacking crayon stick purchased from Walmart.

Halloween party ideas
What's that Smell?:  This was a fun game! Inside each mason jar was something with a familiar scent. The girls were given a card to write their answers on. They would smell the contents of the jar and guess what they thought was in it!

Andrea painted each of her jars with enamel paints so that it would stick to the glass. You could also use a spray paint for the initial coat which may make it easier to have your acrylic paints adhere to the glass.

Items in the "What's that Smell?" jars included: vinegar, dog food, a wax melt, orange, cinnamon stick, chocolate bar, and soap. Put one item in each jar and then cover with foil. Be sure to poke a few holes in the top so that the contents can be smelled.

Spooky Touch Activity: This one requires lots of caution! This fun cardboard poster has hand holes where the witches and wizards can put their hands to feel the spooky things on the other side. They get a chance to feel the items and guess what they are. Andrea made cooked spaghetti, peeled grapes, hot dogs, slime, rice, and canned corn.

To make the Spooky Touch Activity safe for COVID, each girl was to put on hand sanitizer, feel the things, then wash with hand sanitizer again. As an additional precaution, a water cooler with warm water and some hand soap added another layer of protection against spreading germs!

easy halloween party games

Make a Mummy: Some toilet paper or some old sheets torn in strips can be used for teams to dress a friend like a mummy! This game led to quite a few giggles and falls! Make it really interesting and have your mummies do a race!

Learn a Fun Halloween Song: Andrea led her troop in learning a fun Halloween song. (Pictured at the top) As children, Andrea and her sisters could often be heard singing this little song:

To add to the atmosphere of this easy-peasy Halloween party, there was spooky kid-friendly Halloween music playing in the background. Each child left with a goodie bag filled with candy and party favors!

How are you celebrating Halloween this year? We would love to hear your ideas in the comments below!


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What's In Our Amazon Cart?

 We sure have been doing a lot of Amazon shopping here at the Fletcher Farmhouses! Yes, I said houses because my sisters and I all have busy, but different, households and you might be surprised at what's in our Amazon carts as of late! We've been planning for homeschool, birthdays, Christmas, and now a WEDDING! Check out things we have recently purchased and loved.

Christine's Amazon Cart: Christine is thinking about fitness and motivating her family to read more. And if you know Christine, there is ALWAYS a purse or two in her Amazon cart!

Amie's Amazon Cart: Amie always starts Christmas shopping in October, so her cart has a few items the kids and hubby have been wanting. The thermometer was a special purchase she made for herself because she thinks she needs more than one!

Mandie's Amazon Cart: Mandie has just three weeks to finish planning her daughter's wedding and she is making it look easy! You might notice she has done a little birthday shopping for her youngest, too! Happy almost birthday, Eli!

Andrea's Amazon Cart: Andrea always puts us to shame with her cart of healthy treats and organic goodies! 

What's in your cart this month? Did you go crazy on Amazon Prime Day? We might have!

Happy fall to you all. Shop til' you drop and if you find any good deals, let us know in the comments below!

The Fletcher Farmhouse has entered into an affiliate relationship with Amazon. Clicking on the links provided in this blog post may result in a commission being paid to The Fletcher Farmhouse at no additional cost to you.