Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tornadoes: Take Cover!

Picture credit: Josh Martinez @YoJoshMartinez
Memorial Day 2019 will be one to remember. Thirteen confirmed tornadoes touched down in the Miami Valley Ohio area about 10:30 pm. Only one death was reported, however the damage in several areas was catastrophic.

After a long day of Memorial Day festivities, I was beat. The sun always drains me to the max. I think I fell asleep on the couch about 8:30 pm only to be awoken by the wind at around 10 pm. That's when the text alerts started. All our family cell phones were buzzing and beeping to let us know of the impending dangerous weather.

For a little while, we were able to still have satellite reception so that we could follow the news about where the tornadoes were headed. The first was headed right down the main street of where my oldest daughter lives. Thankfully, her neighbors have a basement and invited her and Zach to take cover there! Thank you, nice neighbors!
Picture credit: 

Sometimes, my husband and I don't take tornado warnings seriously, but I recently saw an interview of a person who also didn't take them seriously and barely made it out alive. So, we decided to take the whole family to the basement. [Note to self: We could use another couch down there!]

Derek does not like storms or having to take cover. He stayed in one room and we hunkered down in the other. Delanie and I cuddled up on the couch as Chad decided to go through our 72 hour kits! [Another note to self: Clothes in the 72 hour kits need to be replaced. Gone are the days I was a size 8!]

We were down there for nearly an hour as the several storms passed to our north and to our south. We were spared any damage.

The next day, Chad and I happen to have a meeting in Beavercreek. That happens to be where one of the most destructive tornadoes hit. Our favorite restaurant was closed. In fact, we couldn't even get near it. Many streets were closed and blocked off. We saw many trees broken and uprooted, houses and businesses with severe roof damage or loss, and windows broken out of buses and cars. Wow. You just don't realize the power of weather until you see something like that in person.

All of our family and close friends were spared. We were blessed. But, we know that bad things happen to even the best of people. It is so important to be prepared. Have a safety plan, have your phones charged, put on your shoes, and get those 72 hour kits up-to-date and in a safe place!

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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Fun Activities for Teaching Music Theory

If you have ever taught music to a child, then you have likely experienced the groan when you mention the dreaded word...THEORY! Here are some things I have tried that make learning music theory a bit more fun!

music theory for kids

Music Theory Matching Game

I teach piano to children ranging in age from 5-14 years old and none of them enjoy theory. With that being said, I have tried to create activities to teach them theory and be enjoyable at the same the music theory matching game.

For this game, I made my own theory matching cards by using a Word document and free clipart I found online. Here is an example of a set of flash cards:

I make at least 10 matching sets of cards and laminate them so they hold up better.

music theory flash cardsTo play this game, simply mix up the cards and place on the floor or table in a grid format. Take turns with your student by choosing two cards. Are they matches? If yes, can the student tell you what the music theory symbol means?

Whoever has the most matches at the end of the game is the winner!

Download our FREE music theory flash cards and print two copies to use for the music theory matching game! Click here.

Music Theory Ball

music theory ball
The Music Theory Ball is by far the most requested theory activity I have. For this activity, you need a small rubber ball (maybe half the size of a basketball) and a Sharpie or other permanent marker. A ball with a smooth finish and solid color works best.

Using the Sharpie draw music theory symbols and terms all around the ball. Try to cover the surface as much as you can. I made two balls, one for beginners and one for more advanced students.

To play, simply toss the ball back and forth. Whatever symbol or term your right thumb lands on is the one you have to give an explanation of. The children love it!

Music Theory Animal Actions Rhythm Game

I ran across this fun music theory game online at Pinterest. Sara Mullett shared her fun way to have kids learn rhythms and get them moving at the same time!

To prepare the cards for this game, you can go over to the Let's Play Music website and print off the cards for free. Again, I laminate them so they are a bit more sturdy.

music theory game
There are a couple of ways this game can be played. We place the cards in a pile, face down. Each child takes turns drawing a card from the top, then acting out the type of movement that would best represent the animal and the rhythm. For example, the elephant stomps four quarter notes. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp! Or, for the snail slide, imagine sliding your feet across the floor as you count "1-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2."

Music Theory Worksheets

You can also try free printable worksheets found online. There are lots to be found and they make a nice change from the same old theory workbook. Try this fun Pinterest page for ideas: Music Theory Ideas from Pinterest.

I hope there are some fun ideas here that will work for you -- give them a try, have fun, and feel free to share your own ideas for teaching music theory in the comments below!


Christine's favorite music theory books:

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